BloodForge Review
Bloodforge is a 3rd person hack and slash set in a celtic world.
You play as Crom, a celtic warrior seeking revenge on those responsible for killing his wife and family.
Although the story is pretty good I can’t help but feel a little disappointed because God of War had a similar story line a while back.
Fighting in Bloodforge is pretty good. Your usual hack n slash type gameplay are right here in your face. Light attack and heavy attack are pretty much all you can do but making them combo and killing enemies with brutal finishing moves makes it that little more worth it.
Throughout your journey for revenge you can collect health upgrades, mana upgrades and weapon upgrades. Mana upgrades allow you to use your spent blood on using your special moves.
A tap of the RB button and you’re able to call some strange magic powers to help you defeat/incapacitate the enemy. Weapon upgrades are the same weapons but stronger with a slightly different look.
You have a sword, hammer, wolverine type gloves and a crossbow. The hammer was my favourite due to its damage and finishing moves and the crossbow rarely got used as I forgot I had one most of the time.
Berserk mode is the ability to use blood spilled by enemies to slow down time. Once time has been slowed down you are able to constantly mash enemies to bits until you either get hurt of the blood runs out.
The controls are pretty simple and won't take too long to get used to and movements are fluid.
The worst thing about Bloodforge is the camera. If you have ever suffered from sea sickness you will not want to play this game. The camera moves too fast, the angles are not always flat/straight on and the slightest dodge move and you’re rolling all over the place unaware of your surroundings. I hate the camera and think it is the worst in a game I have ever played.
I love the art style in Bloodforge. Everything is very dark being either black, brown, red or orange. The game visuals make you feel a strong sad and angry presence it’s just a shame the rest of the game falls short.
Bloodforge looks good enough to be a retail title but falls short in a lot of places. By the end of the game will be ready to put down the controller and also have had enough of listening to Crom constantly shouting.
Give it a go and see whether you think it’s worth the 1200msp price tag.
Review By Wicket2961