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Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Review

A father is close to death and his two sons are the only ones that can save him.  They have to travel through cities, caves and giant ridden cliff tops in order to reach the “Tree of Life”, a tree that contains magic water that will guarantee the fathers health and wellbeing.
You play as the two sons, controlling each with an analogue and interacting with LT and RT there really is nothing else to it. The controls are simple, yes, but they are horrible!  All the way through the game whilst walking, running and solving puzzles I felt that I was being held back.  I would be watching one brother whilst running the other into his death and because people and objects react differently depending on which brother is interacting, you have to do nearly everything twice……. Annoying!



Shoddy controls aside, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons has quite a good story. Yes it is full of clichés and yes we’ve seen it all before but it’s great and works well just as it has the other million times we’ve seen it. Asking people (in a non-existent language) where to go next and watching them point in the direction can get a little old especially when you know that, that is the only direction you can go but you get the impression that you’re going to get tricked so you’ll keep doing it hoping for a little diversion mission… It never happens.
The art in the game is the best bit about it without a doubt.  I was walking around, sitting on benches and interacting with wishing wells thinking, “Wow, this looks very Fable like” and in my eyes that is not a bad  thing.  Tudor buildings, glistening snow and clear water are always welcome on my screen.
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons is a very short game with easy puzzles.  You know where you’re going and you have a pretty good idea of what the ending will be but it’s the art that needs to be seen. The sad thing is that you can see the art by playing the trial and looking on the internet.
Starbreeze deserve a pat on the back for what they’ve created but to be honest, it’s not a great start to “Summer of Arcade”.  Try the demo and see what you think.




Review By Wicket2961

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