Half Minute hero Review
A tongue in cheek take on conventional Japanese RPG’s Half minute Hero takes you on a journey to save the world (Every 30 seconds)
The game pretty much consists of starting a level, Evil lord announces that he has a spell that will destroy the world and you have 30 seconds to stop this from happening.
Whilst preparing for the mission ahead you can visit villages and buy items such as armour, shields, weapons and health, whilst there the timer stops.
Even though you appear to only have 30 seconds in order to stop the worlds end there is a way to gain extra time. A time goddess early on in the game introduces herself as someone that (If needed) can turn back the clock to the full 30 seconds. Don’t do this too much because every time you do the price goes up.
You level up similar to how you do in every RPG game, encounter random enemies and talk to a few random people but with time constantly ticking away, you don’t have time to enjoy it.
When you encounter an enemy you need to do nothing apart from rush towards them. Swinging your weapon and blocking is all done automatically which takes out the fun and feeling of victory. If you are getting beaten and near to death you can heal yourself as long as you previously have purchased a healing item from the local towns.
With an 8 bit art style Half Minute Hero looks…… Old and although it may appeal to some for me it should be left in the past where it belongs. Music is very irritating, bouncy and constantly in the background which after about half a minute needs to be turned off.
Repetitiveness is another problem. Ever 30 seconds the credits roll and you go to the next mission and it’s very similar to every other mission apart from it getting harder. At times you may feel you that a mission is impossible to complete due to the short time you have and feeling of so much to do. If you choose to do a secondary objective you are definitely going to need money for the time goddess, or its mission over. At times I would be in a mission and know what I needed to do but could not do it because 1 poor decision and it’s over.
Some people will like the games art style, music and feel of tension but for me it got real boring real quick. Frustration set in early and the repetitive missions took their toll so this game to me deserves a score of.
Review By Wicket2961