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James Bond 007 Legends Review

007 Legends is a First-Person-Shooter developed by Eurocom and published by Activision.


It’s that time of year when the biggest and best game releases are happening.  Quite often, the smaller games are eaten up by the hype and don’t really get noticed and some, well, they shouldn’t even be released at this time of year.  007 Legends is one of them!


You’re James Bond, the undercover MI6 agent that everyone has loved for the past 50 years.  Your job is to eradicate any threats to your homeland and whilst doing so drink martini (shaken not stirred), get lots of lady attention, drive some of the worlds most sough after cars and have access to gadgets that man doesn’t even know exists, right?  Well yes, but not in this game.



In 007 legends you’re James Bond a man that carries a smart phone, a gun and a dart pen, sometimes drives nice cars, chats to a lady every so often and is generally quite boring.


Your missions are meant to be taken from some of the greatest Bond films such as Moonraker, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, Die Another Day, Licence To Kill and Goldfinger but the scenes you act out never happened in these films (from what I remember anyway).  Eurocom have made what they believe to be great action scenes with a little stealth mixed in, and to be honest they have failed greatly.  Maybe it’s because you play as Daniel Craig rather than the original characters as to why the actual scenes can’t be copied but still,  if you’re going to make a Bond game based on previous films, you need to do more than throw in a few props that we might recognise.


Gameplay is very weak.  The shooting is flat, enemies take more bullets than those in Halo as well as having the worse coding known to man and nothing feels as smooth as it should.  Even the auto-aim can’t do its job properly! Moving from one place to another whilst under fire is a chore and no matter what you do or where you go, you get hit with bullets which is ridiculous in my eyes. If I am behind cover, I shouldn’t be getting hit… end of!

The visuals are Ok at best.  The colours are solid and look pretty good but at the end of the day 007 Legends is releasing just before MOH: Warfighter, Halo 4 and Call of Duty: Black Ops II, so come on, try a little harder. 

Level design is nearly as basic as Goldeneye was on the N64 and even without huge releases being a few weeks away, this is unacceptable.


Multiplayer is laggy, boring and hard work.  The levels are pretty big but there aren’t nearly enough people or action for it to feel like a constant battle or even slightly fun, so if you want an online FPS, don’t look here.


Overall, 007 Legends feels like a horrendous Call of Duty clone that was made for a quick bit of cash.  There is nothing in this game that makes me want to say “try it” because I think even that would be a waste of time.  Wait a week or two for MOH and COD for the real deal.




Review By Wicket2961

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