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LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Review

As I’ve said before, if you’ve played one LEGO game you’ve played them all (even the ones that haven’t been released yet) and this saying somewhat stands with the new Batman 3: Beyond Gotham title.
Batman is back and he’s on a mission to the rid the bad guys of the universe… Yes, I said Universe!
Batman is relaxing back at the Batcave when he decides to look through his telescope. Batman is shocked to see a spaceship approaching earth which suddenly shoots a beam at causing him to go into a trance and attack Robin. After a bit of kafuffle Robin manages to pull Batman out of the trance and they begin their mission to leave earth and fight the enemy.
That pretty much sums up the story and being that It’s the first time that Batman has left Gotham, it’s a pretty neat idea. Some might say that it’s a little over-the-top, but isn’t all fiction a little over-the-top?
Being a LEGO game, you’ll be greeted by the usual tongue-in-cheek humour that, at times, aims more towards the adult, but it’s very funny nonetheless.
Visually the game is stunning and the environments (apart from going to space) keep in-touch with what we would expect from a Batman title. The areas are very colourful and relatively easy to navigate, making this title easy to recommend to the target audience that it’s trying to get on-board, but there’s only so much you can do with solid colours.
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham has the typical gameplay that we’re given with every LEGO game. Eventually you’ll unlock hundreds of characters all with different abilities which are needed in order to deal with specific scenarios on specific levels. To some people having that many characters is great because it’ll offer you lots of re-playability, but for me the gameplay is too repetitive and I couldn’t possibly consider going through hours of the same missions in order to get a LEGO pice or collect some currency.
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham is a great game (as are the rest of the games in the franchise), but they’re only great to LEGO fans or those that have children around them that they can team up with to play Co-op. Having said that, LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham is the best to-date and it’s worth giving it a shot if you’re after a more laid back and relaxed gaming experience.


Review By Wicket2961

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