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Oddworld New N Tasty Review

Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee originally released on the PS1 back in 1997 and it was a strange, hard and brilliantly designed game. So, when it became news that Abe would be returning after 17 years it was not only a shock, but a moment of excitement for many gamers including myself.
Oddworld New N Tasty is the same game when it comes to level design, but it has been built from the ground up – which has led to the game looking better, playing better and offering an experience that couldn’t have been possible back in the late 90’s. And yes, Oddworld New N Tasty is a true masterpiece that will please the original fans and the new.
Abe, a meat factory worker that has been enslaved along with his alien-like colleagues known as Mudokons. Abe has discovered that he and his colleagues are set for the grinder due to the shortage of meat at the factory and this has forced him to try and escape and save everyone on the way. However, Abe is not very strong and will have to dodge blades, sneak past enemies and use his wits in order to manipulate those that want him dead.
The story is just as great as it was originally and an absolute joy to follow. Every so often you’re treated to a cut-scene full of emotion which really does get you attached to poor Abe and his quest for freedom.
Gameplay is nearly great but not quite, due to the old annoyances making a comeback. Controls are clunky, making for a lot of mistakes and over-moving which lead to much death and falls; Checkpoints are (at times) poorly placed and overall, everything feels a little delayed. Thankfully, you have the option to quicksave and quickload using the touchpad but this only solves one issue. It’s good practice to quicksave just before you’re due to try something new and if you fail… hold down the touchpad and you’re back to where you started.  I would also like to add that having no real sense of direction is quite annoying. Abe’s Oddysee is one of those games where you feel that being a little linear would be a benefit to the gameplay and being free to go where you like can end up feeling like you’ve gone off track - this is how I felt. Overall, the issues are hugely annoying and as much as I loved Abe’s Oddysee for being ridiculously hard and unforgiving, before, I don’t want to feel that a lot of mistakes are caused by shoddy development rather than my own doings….. Sorry!
Like before, you will need to talk to Mudokon’s in order to get them to “Follow” you to safety – and this time it has been made slightly easier because you can talk to a group of Mudokon’s rather than just one at a time. This obviously saves a lot of time and encourages you to get saving quicker and move on. And yes…. You can still fart and burp to make others laugh.
Enemies vary depending on what area you’re in and e
ach have a unique approach to how they deal with Abe and his colleagues when they’re seen to be trying to escape.  No matter what enemy you face, it’s hard and it’s meant to be; keep your wits about you and you’ll be fine.
Elum is back and cuter than ever with his sweet voice and loving nature. You’ll ride him quite often and be tasked with getting him from one place to another so that you can ride him through a sequence of jumps leading you to a new area. It’s quick, fun and adds a little diversity, but it’s nothing spectacular!
Visually, Oddworld New N Tasty is phenomenal. I couldn’t have imagined how great a game could look after seeing and loving it just the way it was back when I was 12 years old. Lighting, colours and depth of field are absolutely superb and I couldn’t have asked for anything more. Trust me, It’s a real sight to see and I cannot do it justice with words alone.
As a whole, Oddworld New N Tasty is a more than welcome back in my game collection and I’m sure it will be welcome in everyone else’s. Overall it’s a massive masterpiece, but if you take it a part there are a few issues that will upset you.
£17.99 is a very small price for a massive dose of nostalgia.




Review By Wicket2961

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