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Tappingo Review

Tappingo is a pixel-art puzzle game that has you sliding little squares into their correct position in order to paint the whole picture. It may sound simple, but at times it’s a real head scratcher.


Let me try and explain this…. Each square has a number on it, let’s say “3”, and this means that the said square needs to stop on the third square when you slide it, but, unless there is a wall in the way, the square’s trail will continue to go until it hits. The idea is to get every square to slot into its correct place in order to allow the next one to also correctly stop where needed… Yeah, I just read this back and it’s not a great explanation but I hope that you get it…

Tappingo has approximately 100 puzzles to solve, all of which are an item you’ll probably be familiar with, like a Spider, Nintendo 64 controller, Strawberry etc. 100 sounds like a lot but the game is so addictive that there’s a chance you’ll blast through them in a few hours. The good news is there’s a timer which will make the competitive side in you repeat the levels to try and better your previous time…. The bad news is there’s a timer which will make you constantly try to get a better time once you’ve completed the game.
There will be many times where you cannot understand where you went wrong and you’ll have to decide whether it’s better to start again or un-select the squares that you previously thought were correct. Either way it can be frustrating, but in a good way.
Tappingo is a very simple premise but that’s where the world “Simple” stops. Tappingo will have you feeling like a real winner on one puzzle and a complete idiot on another, but no matter what, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment every time you complete one. Tappingo is superb and currently the best download puzzle game on the 3DS EShop, in my opinion.
For more info and a better explanation on how to play the game, go to Tappingo



Review By wicket2961

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