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The Splatters Review

The splatters is a physics based puzzle game and even though puzzle games are quite common these days none of them offer the uniqueness that The Splatters brings to the table.


The Splatters has simple principles, Get your jelly like (naughty looking) substance to burst over bombs that consist of the same colour.  Yes this sounds simple but wow they can be hard.


There are many ways to get your Splatter to burst and goop over bombs such as shooting them into spikes, smashing them into walls or using special moves.  Even with all these different abilities at your disposal you will struggle.

The Splatters breaks you in so gently that you actually think you are getting the hang of what to do and give you a false sense of actually thinking you’re pretty good.  Once you have gone past the first set of challenges and learnt a few of the special moves you are put on the spot and realise how bad you really are. 


As mentioned above the first few levels introduce you to the physics and ways of getting your jelly “Splatter” to burst in the most beneficial ways. 

Some of these moves include airstrike whereby you can double tap A to give your Splatter a real thrust into an object or roof which then cause the Splatter to cover a great area.  I don’t want to give you all the details of special moves because I might steal the shock or excitement from you actually discovering them yourself but another special move worth mentioning is “Flip”.


Flip allows you to reverse your movement like a time warp.  You can slide your Splatter around the level and with a squeeze of the LT you can reverse what you have just done but leaving the rest of the world as it was, this means only you are effected by this move and it really is the life line to gaining huge multipliers and getting the best coverage of your burst slime.


Splatters can be annoying at times especially when you are onto a great multiplier and a tiny bit of your Splatter catches on something causing it to burst or just failing in general.  I felt that most of the time my failing was my fault but still I did have to have a break every so often.


The Splatter does not offer MP and in all fairness it wouldn’t work but you are offered the chance to watch other Xbox live players brilliant combo’s on Splatter TV.


Bringing a fresh and unique take on puzzle games The Splatters is well worth you MSP.



Review By Wicket2961

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