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Weapon Shop De Omasse Review

You are Yuhan, an apprentice Blacksmith to the master, Oyaji – and your job is to produce the best weapons for hire in your newly refurbished shop. Sounds a bit odd doesn’t it? Well, it is!


The business is run on the success of those that hire from you. If the person on the quest succeeds, they bring back the weapon as well as pay a fee and supply you with items that they found whilst out on a quest. This could get very boring, very fast and for the most part it does, but, you get some odd and over-the-top clients that you can listen in on whilst your hard at work. . . More on that in a bit.

The core gameplay focuses on you progressing as a Blacksmith under the eye of your master, gradually being able to produce higher levelled weapons in order to fulfil the needs of your customers. Someone will walk in, tell you a bit about themselves and then go into what their task is at hand and what sort of weapons they are skilled with. You’ll check that you have a suitable weapon already made and if not, you access the “forge” area and hope that you have the materials needed and get cracking…. Creating the weapon is the strange part – You copy a rhythm set out by tune that is playing in the background and hit the touch pad to cut away at the metal. Your metal has to be the right temperature; you can turn and rotate the metal until it tells you to place in the cooler to finish. Based on how well you complete the chains of music rhythm-bashing depends on how great the weapon becomes when finished….. Then it’s off to polish for that extra kick and the customer will return to collect.
A little later the character will return (hopefully) and give you your reward where you’ll go back to polishing the weapon blade and levelling up. That’s it! Rinse and repeat!
Whilst the character is out questing you can access a grindcast. The grindcast allows you to read what the customer is getting up on a tongue-in-cheek, Twitter type page that updates in real time. Although this is slow, it is one of the best parts of the game because they can be quite amusing to read.
Weapon Shop De Omasse is a mediocre game that becomes a real chore that moves at an incredibly slow and tedious pace. It’s a shame you can’t demo the game because I’m not sure that many will be glad that they paid roughly £7 for a grindfest of touch screen bashing.If I were you, I’d watch a 15 mintue long youtube video to get a real sense of the gameplay.
If I were you, I’d watch a 15 mintue long youtube video to get a real sense of the gameplay.



Review By wicket2961

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