Worms Revolution Review
Worms has been around for many years but no matter how much Team 17 try to switch it up, killing worms in 2D will always win the hearts of the fans. In Worms Revolution Team 17 have built what appears to be the greatest worms game to date but is it all good? Pretty much.
Every moment is full of the very common witty, tongue in cheek humour we expect from team 17 but the constant jokes and “trying to be funny” comments do start to grind after a while. Worms wouldn’t be worms without them but it does need to be brought down a little.
A huge arsenal of weapons is available as you please including the old classics like the sheep, old woman, jet pack etc but also some new beasts like the water balloon, water pistol and Boggy B.
Injured worms show their pain through bumps and bruises which is very funny to see. When a worm is just about to take its go you will see the black eyes and war wounds from their tough fight which made me laugh out loud the first time I saw it because I didn’t expect it at all.
The landscapes as a whole are brilliant and at the best they’ve ever been but some are too familiar. The sewers and the haunted house are both very green. Whilst you’re fighting the evil little Oligochaeta I saw rats by the sewers, frogs near the haunted mansion and seagulls by the beach, all of which were very cool and amusing.
There are now objects in or on the battleground that can be moved and blown up. I often jumped onto an object only to fall due to it starting to roll. This is the result of the new added physics which is very cool but only the start! If you see an H2o bottle, blow it up in order to release the water, see a lighter, blow it up and watch the flames cover that area causing harm and danger etc. I really love this idea because you really have to be aware of your surroundings which has never been properly present in other worms games other than the odd mine or barrel. Use these objects to your advantage.
One of the biggest new additions that Team 17 are very proud of is the water dynamics. Unless you go into the water set outside of the battle zone you will not instantly die whilst submerged in it. However, that worm will be deducted 5 health for each turn. Water movement is great and can be used to your advantage to either move a worm or as I mentioned, submerge them. Even though the water and its dynamics are pretty cool it’s nothing like how real world water reacts and definitely nowhere near as fluid in movement.
Another big addition is the class system. You can create a worm formation consisting of 4 different class types such as the Soldier who is the all rounder that we are familiar with in all worms games, heavy who is able to give a huge amount of damage as well as take a punch or two, scout who is very fast and nimble and scientist who offers extra strength objects such as the magnet, sentry etc but also gives the whole of the team 5 health at the beginning of his turn. This adds strategy to the game which in a way could totally change the way people play compared to how they used to. Although this is a good idea, I think it takes away the simplicity of what Worms is all about. I prefer to concentrate on what’s important and that is to win the game.
Customisation offers the laughs and fun that we have always had when editing our worms. Unlocking a pirate hat, moustache and a voice from the sound bank will never get old, and I could spend a lot of my time editing my worms to look and sound the funniest they could be for playing online with friends. One downfall for me is that I am a huge boxing fan and always name my worms after boxers BUT, I would like some boxing gloves and a head guard. This is just a personal preference and not a game breaker by any means.
Multiplayer is where worms really shines and always has. You can be play on the couch or over Xbox live with the game modes we have been enjoying for many years, Deathmatch, forts and many others. But for those that want to play “back to basics” worms you have the “classic” mode which turns off all of the new options and therefore doesn’t add any of the classes or water dynamics. It’s literally bare bones worms.
I love Worms and have been a huge fan ever since I played the first 17 years ago so to me a new release is always going to be an exciting time.
I’ve never met a gamer that doesn’t enjoy worms and it’s simple as to why that is. Team 17 know exactly what they’re doing and how they can improve their games whilst living by the well known saying, “If it’s not broken don’t fix it”. Worms Revolution is the best worms game created to date and should therefore be apart of everyone’s XBLA collection
Review By Wicket2961
At the start you’re thrown right into training which takes place over 8 levels that introduce the old and the new, and to be honest it’s definitely needed. Even if you think you’re a great worms player the sheer amount of changes to the style and gameplay will need some attention as well as adjustments on your behalf. The power meter feels totally different and at first may frustrate you if you expected the same feel that we’ve had for such a long time.